Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hitchhiker stories

In today's Star Tribune, there's a narrative by reporter Bill McAuliffe, who decided to hitchhike from Minneapolis to Twisp, Wash.

McAuliffe has many interesting stories of the people who picked him up along his journey, including a man named Dale:

Next surprise: Dale, who later told me he'd recently gotten out of prison, asked if I was hungry or thirsty. Which is how we ended up at his church picnic, just up the road in Clearwater, Minn., before he brought me onward to St. Cloud.

When I asked Dale why he'd picked me up, he said God had told him to. I'm not what you'd call a man of faith, but that's what Dale left me with: faith that rides would come, faith that I'd get somewhere, even if it wasn't where I'd intended. 

It sounded like McAuliffe had a fabulous adventure. He wrote daily updates on his trip at

Friday, April 26, 2013

The house of God

Determining how much to give to one's church that is in the midst of a building expansion can be a
the house of God
tricky proposition.

For many people, as well as the church, it requires a leap of faith.

At River Heights Vineyard Church in Inver Grove Heights, Minn., the church leadership feel that God is calling the church to serve more people by serving meals. As a result, River Heights Vineyard Church has embarked on a campaign to raise money for its new Community Healing Center.

One church member shared her experience with figuring out how much to pledge at a recent church service. She said that she and her husband were remodeling their kitchen, so money was relatively tight. She struggled with how much to give to River Heights Vineyard Church for the Community Healing Center.

Then she heard God's voice. "If you take care of my house, I'll take care of yours."

That made it easier for her to move forward in faith.

Donate to the River Heights Vineyard Church Community Healing Center online.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Courageous one

courageous one
In October, I wrote about how I heard God tell me at a Wild at Heart Boot Camp that his name for me is "Brave One."

An interesting affirmation of this word happened recently while at church. The guitar player on the worship team came up to me after the service. He said, "Brant, while I was up on stage, I looked in your direction, and God told me a word for you."

"What was the word?" I replied.

"Courageous One," he said.

Thank you, Lord.