How did his ministry begin? An article in Baptist Press says that it started when God spoke to Bentley:
He was saved only when God spoke audibly to him in his drug dealer's trailer and told him that was his last chance to make a decision for Christ, Bentley said.
He invited listeners to be saved and told them that Jesus could forgive all their sins and make then a new creation.
Bentley was called to ministry, he said, in 1998 when a 'glory liquid honey cloud' came through the kitchen of his apartment and into the living room. It rested over his head, and the 'manifest tangible presence of God' did not leave his life for three months. During that time Bentley was 'slain in the Spirit' from four to 12 hours per day and saw many visions, he said.
After the three months were complete, Bentley said Jesus appeared to him on Mother's Day and told him he would never return to secular work again.
'[Jesus] said, 'I have a ministry for you, and it begins today, Mothers Day 1998.' He said, 'You will go all over the world, and you're going to bring a healing revival,'' Bentley said.
Bentley plans next to take his revival meetings overseas; his last day at Lakeland is Aug. 23.