Friday, May 2, 2008

Surviving a pit bull attack

I recently completed a book by Gordon Dalbey called "Fight Like a Man". Dalbey was the inspiration for author John Eldredge. "Fight Like a Man" examines the wounds in men and how to heal ourselves by surrendering to Jesus.

In one passage of "Fight Like a Man", Dalbey recounts how he was jogging in his neighborhood late at night when he was attacked by a pit pull. Read on to hear how Dalbey survived even though no one was around and the pit pull already had taken a bite into his forearm:
All thoughts fled from my grasp as the dog quivered and crouched lower for its spring.

'Stop!' I heard myself pleading desperately -- and then, with determination, 'In the name of Jesus, stop!'

The instant the word Jesus sprang from my lips, a veil seemed to part, and by a new and holy instinct I knew at once what to do.

Utterly terrified, absolutely powerless, I surrendered.

'Jesus,' I whispered, looking away. As the dog let out a sharp yowl and lifted its forelegs to leap, I dropped my arms helplessly to my side.

In that unforgettable split second, more intense in both horror and peace that I have ever before known, all fear and tension swept out of me. Quietly, I stood there -- whether seconds or minutes I can't say.

I only know that when I looked down again, the dog had not leapt after all, but was still coiled and growling in front of me.

'Jesus,' I said again, this time calmly, and looked directly into the dog's burning eyes: 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.'

Hesitating yet, it growled once more, looked around, and then stood there just looking at me. Clearly, it was over. With a snort, the dog turned awkwardly and trotted off into the night.

Just think if Dalbey had tried to fight that pit bull on his own -- he would have been toast! So often we think that we can do it on our own. His experience should be a reminder to just surrender to Jesus.

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