My wife and I were listening to some music over the weekend, and one of the songs we listened to was "
Time Stand Still" by Rush.
I was instantly transported to 1987, when I was 16 and in high school.
I started crying -- and couldn't stop.
When I first heard the song in 1987, I had a feeling of invincibility, that I had the whole world and my whole future ahead of me.
When I listened to "
Time Stand Still" today, I felt lost, like I haven't achieved in life what I wanted to achieve. I thought of my hair thinning, how my metabolism is slowing, and how my son is growing up faster than I would like.
Then I calmed down and reminded myself that I will just go wherever God wants me to go and do whatever God wants me to do with my life. That's what I'm meant to do and where I'm meant to be.