The author of the column related a story about how his mentor heard from God while waiting at a Taco Bell drive-through window:
'Steve,' it said. 'Open your door. I have a present for you.' Feeling a little silly, he stopped the car and opened his door. Ground into the pavement below was a scarred and tarnished penny. 'Gee . . . thanks .' was the sarcastic thought that went through his head as he dug the practically worthless coin from the soft asphalt. But then God's quiet voice spoke again.
'In the world's eyes, a lot of people in the community you're trying to reach are like this penny. They're flawed, imperfect, and forgotten. Even churches don't see much value in wasting time on them. Through some eyes, they may look shabby and worthless, but to me, they are just like you. They're precious beyond measure!'
This story reminds us how everyone has worth in God's eyes. . .think of that the next time you find a penny on the ground.
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