Friday, October 12, 2007

A moratorium on personal spending

Thanks to Tom Henderson, who commented on yesterday's post, "An overattachment to the things of this world." Tom wrote:

Amen to that. I've been convicted lately of my collecting ways (video games and music, but primarily games). It's been primarily difficult to stop buying XBox games. The original XBox games are now being marked down drastically to make room for newer titles, so it's easy to walk out of a store with two or three games for $10 or less. As a result, I'm sure that I have 20 titles at home that I've either not played at all, or barely touched.

I've been contemplating imposing a 2- or 3-month moratorium on personal spending. I will draw up a covenant describing what I am allowed to spend money on (food, stuff for work, stuff for ministry, personal care items, etc.) and what will be off-limits (games, books, DVDs, etc. that are just for me).

Anybody else interested in joining me in this?

Tom, I might be interested in joining you. I'll consider it. . .a two-month covenant would take us through the end of the year, which might make a nice end to 2007.

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