Breaking Christian News (BCN) had an interesting story that was retold in Ohio's Georgetown News Democrat about a man who was saved from the collapse in a very profound way:
A man named Matthew, last name not given, was approaching the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis, shortly before the collapse. He told the BCN reporter that he had been praying to God as he often did as he drove along and as he prayed, he had a vision of the bridge falling into the river. He asked the Lord what he should do about the vision just as he was approaching the bridge. He said that there were nearly 100 cars following him and traffic was moving slowly because of work being done on the bridge closing a lane of traffic.
God spoke to him and told him to stop his car. He hesitated only a moment but stopped his car as instructed. People behind him started blowing their horns at him to move, but he stayed put. Within a few seconds he watched as the bridge collapsed in front of him.
Many of those who had been in line behind him came forward to thank him for stopping when he did because they realized that had he not stopped, they would have been on the bridge as it fell.
What an amazing story. I'm sure that there are other survivors who took a different route from their regular one that night, or left earlier or later from work, who have reflected on how God saved them.
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